Category Archives: RUTF
Did you know what RUTF means?
RUTF (Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food) is a vitamin and mineral fortified peanut paste mixed with dry milk products. It has been heralded by Doctors Without Borders as a miracle cure for children suffering from Severe Acute Malnutrition. These are children whose … Continue reading
RUTF in Burundi: Food for Famine Society donates RUTF to Burundi via World Vision
— June 2012 — Food For Famine Society purchased Plumpy Nut, a RUTF product for children suffering for severe malnutrition, to be shipped to Burundi via World Vision Canada. Plumpy Nut is supporting the scale up of FARN and CMAM … Continue reading
Kenya: A mother says, Plumpy’nut is her daughter’s life
For children like Janet, were it not for a ready to use therapeutic food known as Plumpy’nut, a peanut like paste fortified with proteins and vitamins, they probably would not be alive today. Janet has been battling acute malnutrition, but … Continue reading
RUTF in Niger
Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) is the miracle food for children suffering from severe acute malnutrition. Watch this video to learn more about RUTF in action. httpv://